What's Next, 3pm CST
Want to avoid taking Dad's keys away or dumpster Mom's stuff!
Available spots
Service Description
Are you ready to take your Dad's car keys away? He's had several mysterious accidents and he may be in danger. Sign up now to find out how you can avoid this scene AND keep Dad safe. Do you really want to go through all that stuff in Mom's attic? There are boxes up there that nobody's been in for decades. Sign up now and learn what Mom can do to avoid bringing in the dumpster to haul it all off. Most of us can assume that our retired parents or friends are off having a great time. That's probably true for most of their retirement. However, having a good time is not the only scheduled activity in store. Sign up now. Find out what's in store. Learn how you can be supportive and helpful along the way. Your parents need you. Now. Don't miss out. You only have until February 25 to register and seating is limited. Sign up now.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance.